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Welcome to the Draft Comprehensive Plan


Chapter I

The Cohesive Ketchum Comprehensive Plan: Provides background information related to the Cohesive Ketchum process, key issues that arose during the process, and how the Plan fits into the City’s existing operations.

Chapter II

Community Vision and Core Values: Reflects what is important to the community now and for the future.

Chapter III

Goals and Policies: Establishes overarching policy guidance on a range of topics, organized by core value. The goals and policies highlighted in this chapter will be used to guide day-to-day decision-making.

Chapter IV

Growth Framework: Includes information about factors influencing Ketchum’s growth and the Future Land Use Plan (which is made up of the Future Land Use Map and associated Land Use Category descriptions).

Chapter V

Implementation: Identifies priority actions for the next two- to four-years and serves as the City’s Playbook—bridging the gap between the Comp Plan and the more detailed annual work plan.

Chapter VI

Appendices: Contains a summary of major trends and existing conditions, a land demand and capacity analysis, and information related to Idaho property rights.

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Isn't the Comp Plan supposed to be the strategic plan for the City?
This is one of City's Hall's greatest opportunities for improvement. A good example was the adoption of the Water Treatment Facility capital plan. This was the biggest capital spend in Ketchum history. Would have been a great opportunity to involve the community in looking at options. Could we consider a policy that when the City is going to spend more than say $1mm on a project that there is a requirement for a cost/benefit analysis and at least two options and/or a Citizens Assembly to evaluate the options?
We should do what they are doing in Bend and utilize Citizens Assemblies to tackle tough issues. Elizabeth Corker wrote a great piece about this at

CA's would be a great way to increase public participation in government.
The process is a bit confusing. While it used to work that if you emailed, you'd get a response within 24 hours, that system seems to have broken down. Getting a response is hit or miss. If you do a public records request, that process works well. But if you just have a question about something, you are at the mercy of someone deciding whether to answer or not. I have found that you don't get a response if you ask a question that someone in City Hall does not want the public to know the answer. The Housing staff is particularly non-responsive.
The City does a great job of this.
The City website could list all of the appointments and their terms with job descriptions and time commitments, etc and encourage people to apply.
This seems worthy of an implementation plan. I am not aware of one.
The use of technology could be a real differentiator for Ketchum. Some cities have apps for city services that are one-stop shops. Is this something Ketchum can do?

It would be great if someone could look at minimizing the number of clicks it takes to access a City services. For example, just viewing a Council meeting--why isn't that right on the landing page, at least during a Coucnil meeting.
If there is a strategic communication plan, it is not evident on the City website. This is a policy with no teeth. How can we make it actionable?
This is pretty anodyne. What are the actions for this policy?
These are great goals. Let's live these values.
The governance system of Ketchum seems designed to minimize public participation and that shows in the lack of public meeting attendance. The agendas are full of consent agendas. Public comment is only permitted when legally required and is limited to 3 minutes. This is particularly unbalanced during development approvals when developers are given unlimited time and issues are rarely thoroughly discussed. Written public comment is now incorporated into the agendas, but is not mentioned during deliberations. More public comment should be encouraged.
This process description is not accurate. There is no long-term planning for many critical items such as street repair. When capital projects are approved, ongoing maintenance costs are not assessed. There are almost no cost/benefit analyses or presentation of alternatives on major capital projects. All of these things should be part of the budget process. #governance
How do we define "responding to public feedback." This Council has been remarkable for its rejection of public feedback. How do we hold the Council accountable for this?
The irony of this statement! Even the IME has an editorial this week on how this Plan process has NOT incorporated the public. Saying stuff like this when you know it isn't true is how fascist countries operate. It is sheer propaganda.

Collaboration with other WRV entities is primarily limited to tourism. On everything else, the other Cities refuse to work with Ketchum. Why is it that none of them contribute to BCHA so that Ketchum taxpayers pick up 100% of BCHA staff costs?
This is not true. KURA members routinely complain that no one goes to their meetings. Most City Councul meetings have less than a handful of the public in attendance. Increasing public participation should be an explicit goal of the plan.
NO NO NO. The limits on SUN are why this place is not Jackson or Aspen. DO NOT EXPAND THE AIRPORT. This policy is not supported by Ketchum residents, so why is it here? This policy ignores the dual path mandate for SUN. If the airport is moved, what will the impact be on Ketchum? That should be in the Plan.
Again, "continue" is misleading. It is so prevalent in this Plan it must be intentional. Why? The City should START to do this. This is not a priority for KURA (see its plan). Actions of the Council have been squeezing out local businesses. How do we hold them accountable to a policy like this? There is no reporting on it, not data on it, etc. #governance
The Council has resisted doing this. The Mayor refuses to appoint local retail business owners to KURA. We need a policy to make KURA's board representative of the business community.
This is another piece of misinformation. Please do not use the word "continue" for functions that the City has not been performing.
in reply to Bronwyn Nickel's comment
This is not a function that taxpayers should fund. The business community should build and fund their own visitor center. Directing taxpayer money to organizations like VSV that are not accountable to the taxpayer is terrible governance and should be ended. The tourism industry can fund VSV on its own without taxing Ketchum residents for it.
We should eliminate this policy entirely. Given the increase in short term beds in Ketchum via hotel approvals and conversion of workforce housing to Airbnbs, and their chronic low occupancy, we do not need to subsidize more beds. We should cap the height of hotels in the core to four stories. We should not use taxpayer funds to subsidize for-profit events.
Another policy with no mechanism for reporting or enforcement. All of these policies should specify how they will be enacted and what the reporting periodicity will be. Otherwise, the Council will continue to cherry-pick the Plan to achieve its agenda, not the public's agenda.
Why not make the tourism industry responsible for this? We should have an explicit goal of ending taxation of locals to subsidize the tourism industry, and holding that industry accountable for the social costs of its chronic underpayment to workers.
This is a plan to expand tourism in Ketchum. Yet there is no evidence that the residents want more tourism. While tourism is here to stay, should we be prioritizing tourism growth when what we really need to do is diversify the economy? Tourism receives millions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies from City residents, but no other economic activity does. Can we rectify that to provide more balance in our economy? We need an Economic Development plan, yet this Plan does not call for one. #governance
What is the community-desire source for this policy? I've never heard of a demand for this (but I do support it). This seems like something for the LI zone as well as residential zones. There are LI residences that have no commercial purpose--how will the Council conform them to required LI use?
Again, without an Economic Development plan with accountability mechanisms, this is just an empty policy.
If we are going to do this, where will they go? There is no suitable land in Ketchum for this unless we change the zoning code to prioritize it. Either take it out if you know it is a goal you cannot achieve, or provide some mechanism to achieve it and a process to hold the Council accountable for achieving it. #governance
"Continue" is misleading, as the City does nothing on this. Let's avoid misleading puffery in the Plan.

Far+Wise is leading this effort for the community.
There are many many plans adopted by the Council. Yet there is no quality of life plan for residents. Indeed, whether intentional or not, the actions of the Council have degraded the quality of life of residents (see VSV community survey), and have led to displacement of local workers by tourists. Can we elevate resident quality of life and retention of residential housing in this Plan?
This policy directly opposes the Housing Action Plan and KURA's housing plan. How do we resolve these diametrically opposed goals? The community has been clear on what they want, but elected and appointed officials are acting against the public interest. How do we build accountability mechanisms into the Plan? #governance.
We need to get this codified, as refusal to permit First Light's retail activities in the LI zone is why they left.
This is a bit ironic given the revolt of local businesses against KURA and the Council. There are no representatives from local retail on KURA--the Mayor seems to have done this on purpose. How do we reform KURA to achieve this goal?

Also, this is a land use issue. KURA and the Council plan to develop every parking lot they control in Ketchum to housing projects. How do we reconcile that with this goal?
This is all great stuff, but it conflicts with the grow tourism agenda and there is no mechanism to hold the Council accountable for achieving these goals. There has never been any reporting from the Council on its progress against comp plan goals. Can we build governance into the Plan? #governance
One thing that could have a massive impact on Ketchum is a sale of Sun Valley Co. With the sad passing of Mrs Holding, the probability of a sale has gone up substantially. This document is a long-term planning document. It makes sense for it to anticipate a sale of SVC and the impact on the community. For example, what if SVC exercises all of its development rights within Ketchum? Also, SVC adopted a new master plan, approved by the City of Sun Valley, that calls for an almost doubling of guest rooms at the resort core. This is big implications for Ketchum, yet is not reflected in this document. If SVC adds another 400 rooms, where will all those workers live (not in THEIR plan). How will they get to work? What are the implications for traffic in Ketchum. I have seen nothing on this yet it seems like our Plan should anticipate it.
One thing that could have a massive impact on Ketchum is a sale of Sun Valley Co. With the sad passing of Mrs Holding, the probability of a sale has gone up substantially. This document is a long-term planning document. It makes sense for it to anticipate a sale of SVC and the impact on the community. For example, what if SVC exercises all of its development rights within Ketchum? Also, SVC adopted a new master plan, approved by the City of Sun Valley, that calls for an almost doubling of guest rooms at the resort core. This is big implications for Ketchum, yet is not reflected in this document. If SVC adds another 400 rooms, where will all those workers live (not in THEIR plan). How will they get to work? What are the implications for traffic in Ketchum. I have seen nothing on this yet it seems like our Plan should anticipate it.
New buildings are way too tall and massive. Stop allowing this. You are trashing the Town! We are not Boise. We are small town Ketchum. The Mayor must be replaced! Council is out of control. No more FAR incentives for housing. Build way smaller workforce housing buildings with adequate parking!
The mass and scale of new construction needs to be vastly reduced. No size increases for housing. All buildings must have adequate parking. Replace Bradshaw. He is ruining the Town.
Those business seem to be what BCHA stands against. They are the high wage jobs that bid up housing costs. Think about it--Ketchums's propulation has grown dramatically, so housing here is affordable for certain careers--just not tourism.

So should we be putting our scarce resources to subsidizing tourism or to encouraging more higher wage career path opportunities for our residents?
Ugh. Tourism is a lousy industry when it's your core industry. Low-wage jobs that make it impossible to raise a family. A transient workforce that doesn't set down roots in the community. High social service needs. And it is one of the LEAST sustainable of all industries in terms of GHG and consumption. But this plan prioritizes it. Tourism as part of an economy, where it provides an entry path into the workforce and then there are higher wage and more stable industries to move into would be a much better economic approach for our children (most of whom leave).
Shouldn't the point of economic diversity be to increase wages and stability of employment? There is no reference to that.
Calling them peers is dangerous. The people of Ketchum do not aspire to be Park City, Jackson, or Aspen. When we benchmark to them it brings us closer to being like them. Let's steal from them whatever they do well, but only when it furthers the community goal of retaining our unique character.
What statistically valid survey supports this assertion? Can you reference it?
In most of these chapters there is a mix of statement, like this one, with aspirations, as in the Partnerships. This makes for a confusing plan. SWOT should be clearly stated, then goals, then policies to achieve the goals along with time lines and accountability mechanisms for achieving the goals. This Plan lacks this basic approach to planning,
Classic. No reference to diversifying the economy. Yet that is clearly a community goal.
You mean tourism business. Many businesses operate in Ketchum that don't have a seasonal pattern. Most of them are high-wage jobs (like SV Gold or Decked or First Light---wait, you forced First Light out of Ketchum).

The Plan always defaults to tourism, yet says it is a goal to diversify the economy? Is it? if so were are the policies to do that?
This is an example of a general flaw in this Plan--there are assertions in the Plan about what the community wants that are not sourced to any community input. Shouldn't every element of the Plan be sourced to Ketchum residents?
This isn't a health issue, it is an economic one. Put it in the right chapter.
What about creating and publicizing a fire evacuation process? The last event was unmanaged by the City.
Again, it beggars belief that we haven't already done this.